Today I took Danny, my little 'antiquer side kick', to the thrift store with me for an afternoon date together.
We had so much fun looking at all the Easter stuff they had out. We found a few precious little bunnies that we couldn't resist bringing home to Belle.
Don't you just love the aqua blue bunny? I loved it so much I put it in the kitchen for all of us to enjoy.
It fits right in.

I loved this little glass one, too. He has a serious look, but he needed a home.

And check out this cute little guy! All I kept thinking of was how much work was put into making him! And I wondered about who it was that took the time to create this cuteness.
Though he was SO clean, I still had to think about it for a few minutes...but I couldn't just let him sit there on that dusty shelf forgotten. He needed to be brought to a place where he could be enjoyed.

And he had a girlfriend too!
Miss Belle LOVED them both. I was going to put them on a shelf in her room but as she watched me place them out of her reach, I could tell she was disappointed. So I handed them to her instead and she spent the afternoon playing with them.
Good purchase.

This little cuddle bug is sitting in the kitchen as well.
I figured, having kids, I can get away with a couple of stuffed animals as decorations in the kitchen, right?
I am not sure who loves them the most though, them or me.